31 Mar

Mustang – Journey of Transformation

Mustang - Journey of Transformation

Narrated by Richard Gere, Mustang – Journey of Transformation, tells the remarkable story of a 15th century Tibetan culture pulled back from the brink of extinction through the restoration of its most sacred sites. Featuring His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the film is a tale of hope and rebirth told by the people who helped save this once Forbidden Kingdom.

Special Jury Award, Documentary – EcoVision Palermo, Sicily
Audience Award, World Cinema Short – Maui Film Festival
Best Film On Mountain Culture – Taos Mountain Film Festival
Best Documentary – Sundial Film Festival

“…combines stunning Himalayan vistas, with a story about a place that time has literally forgotten…”
—The Aspen Times

“…One nearly surefire way to know if a film is very good is wishing it were twice as long…”
—The San Francisco Chronicle

National PBS broadcast Wednesday, November 18th at 10pm

Produced and Directed by: Will Parrinello
Narrated by: Richard Gere
Distributed by: Shorts International